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Try These 12 Strategies If You Need To Stop Micromanaging
Jun 4, 2018
For new and experienced leaders alike, one of their biggest management challenges is learning how to properly delegate. Those who struggle with delegation often come off as micromanagers, leading their teams to feel over-scrutinized and distrusted.
11 Ways To Encourage Mental Breaks From Technology In The Workplace
Jun 27, 2018
How often are you intentionally away from your smartphone? For most people, the answer is probably "never." A 2017 survey found that the average American checks their smartphone once every 12 minutes, and 60% of respondents said they feel stressed when their phone is off or away from them.
14 Ways To Deal With Dwindling Profits Before It's Too Late
Jun 23, 2019
When a business owner sees their profits suddenly dry up, it can be a time of intense panic and worry. There may be no immediate explanation for why the profits seem to be decreasing, but it’s important to remain proactive to keep the situation from spinning out of control.
Looking To Implement Daily Self-Care For Your Employees? Follow These 11 Tips
Jun 20, 2019
We all know that happy employees perform better—especially when their employer is focused on their overall well-being. However, implementing a daily self-care practices for your team is more often easier said than done. The day-to-day office grind can be exhausting and make it hard for employees, let alone employers, to remember daily self-care.
Most Admired CEO
Jun 15, 2017
Local executives will be honored at the San Diego Business Journal’s 10th annual Most Admired CEO Awards on Thursday, June 15, at the Hilton San Diego/Del Mar. The awards reception recognizes our local industry leaders who have taken the lead in driving their businesses and groups to great success. Nominees will be judged in the categories of nonprofit organization, business nonprofit, education, family-owned business, government agency, privately held company and public company.
San Diego Business Journal
Job Hunting? 15 Ways To Stand Out From The Competition
Jun 1, 2018
In recent years, the job market has swung heavily in favor of candidates, with companies working hard to attract and retain their industry's top talent. While this is still largely the case, it doesn't mean job seekers always have the upper hand: In fact, many applicants still face steep competition for coveted positions and must find a way to stand out from the crowd.
Finding The Right Fit: 15 Strategies Businesses Should Use To Hire The Best
Jul 25, 2019
A business has many areas that it needs to fill to operate efficiently. However, if a company doesn’t have the right hiring and recruiting strategy in place, the efforts to fill these positions sometimes inadvertently lead to a string of employees that don't quite fit the place they were hired to fill.
15 Ways For Leaders To Give Guidance Without Micromanaging
Jul 24, 2019
In a fast-paced corporate environment, it can be tempting for a manager to try to micromanage all the moving parts. But as the number of teams and complexity of the company grows, this course of action is likely to overwhelm an individual. To this end, a manager must realize when he or she should trust their subordinates to deliver and when it’s appropriate to take an active part in a project.
11 Coach-Recommended Apps For Setting And Tracking Goals
Jan 29, 2020
Anyone who’s ever worked with a personal or professional coach will tell you it’s much easier to stay on top of your goals and milestones when they’re documented. While handwritten lists work well for some, many people prefer to use one of the countless available technology tools designed for this very purpose.
Financing Your First Business? 16 Expert-Recommended Funding Tips
Jan 27, 2020
You have a great idea for your first business. The next step is financing it—but where and how do you get the money? Many of the members of Forbes Coaches Council have extensive experience working with entrepreneurs who are just getting their businesses off the ground. Below, 16 of them share their best advice for first-time business owners looking to secure funding. Follow these tips to help you start your new venture off on the right financial foot.
Illuminating Women Keynote Interview
Jan 20, 2020
Maresa shares powerful points about how we can create leadership skills, teaching women how to "own the room." Maresa's expertise and experience makes her an in-demand and sought-after speaker helping others to fulfill their desires and dreams. Maresa is the perfect Executive Cat Herder, from corporate to entrepreneur circles, providing tips with tools for greater success.s
Illuminating Women
15 Ways To Get Your Boss To Stop Micromanaging You
Jan 10, 2018
When you work for a micromanager, you may feel like your boss doesn't trust you to do your job. It can be difficult to perform well and bring new ideas to the table when someone is constantly checking up on you and scrutinizing your work processes. Although it's common for newer managers to struggle with delegation, it's ultimately a bad habit that will lead to a negative work environment with an unhappy team and an unhappy boss. If you approach the situation professionally and tactfully, you can bring this issue up to your manager and help them see that you're capable of doing the job you were hired to do.
What to Do When Your Co-Worker Steals Your Idea
Feb 9, 2019
You’ve been working all month on a new idea for your company, and you can’t wait to present it during the next team meeting. Work has been going well, and you’re sure this new project is going to help you earn your next big promotion. The only thing that has been distracting you is one of your co-workers is constantly coming over to your desk to ask you what you’re working on. You don’t think anything of it, so you tell her, and then return to your work. The day of the meeting, you’re itching to share your new idea; however, you’re cut off by your co-worker, who proceeds to tell the boss about her new idea. It’s the exact same one you were telling her about a few days ago. What should you do?
The Cheat Sheet
14 Ways Leaders Can Prepare For Generation Z's Entry Into The Job Market
Feb 6, 2020
With Generation Z reaching employable age, the expected influx of new workers presents a lot of potential benefits to the world of a business. However, equally as possible, it may bring with it its own challenges.
15 Ways Stay-At-Home Parents Can Prepare To Go Back To Work
Feb 25, 2019
Every day, around the world and across industries, professionals put their careers on hold to start a family. As the children grow up, many stay-at-home parents look forward to the day they can re-enter the workforce. However, after years away, not only has the business world likely shifted, but their experience and skills may be a bit stale.
15 Ways To Excel At Situational Interview Questions
Feb 22, 2017
Job interviews can be nerve-wracking enough without having to worry about whether they will require situational examples. More and more companies are turning toward behavioral questions during an interview to get a good understanding of how a potential candidate will react under stress, pressure or when challenged.
10 Ways To Tell If The Work Environment You're Interviewing At Is Toxic
Dec 6, 2017
As you sit across from your interviewer, a number of small things begin to gel for you. The interview started 10 minutes late, which is something that you know can happen, but the interviewer didn't seem too concerned. They've been running through a list of questions off their phone while occasionally checking their email, and have rarely looked up to get your reactions to things. When you walked in, the person leading you seemed friendly, but you noticed that very few people engaged with them — or each other. The brief glimpse you got of the work area seemed to be a lot of staff moving around, but very few smiles. Everyone seemed focused or stressed.
10 Leadership Strategies To Discourage 'Groupthink' On Your Team
Dec 4, 2018
"Groupthink" is a common corporate scenario in which multiple people feed off each other and ultimately come up with the same types of ideas. While collaboration and cooperation are good, your team will never innovate and grow if they never explore different ways of thinking and solving problems.